Tuesday, September 17, 2019

TOK Ethics


Read the following tale:
Jessamyn and Mandango were lovers. They were perfectly matched and conscious of the fine pair they made. They planned to marry soon. Jessamyn was in fact rushing down to the river to cross the bridge to meet Mandango. He would become impatient and jealous if she was late. Jessamyn took this as a sign of his great passion for her.
But it had been raining for two days and she found the bridge washed out when she got to the river. Desperately she ran along the swollen river looking for a place where it might be possible to cross. At a great burst of lightning she ran into Ferryman Sinbad’s hut. Sinbad had lived alone since his wife died two years ago. He welcomed her in and she warmed herself at his fire and begged his help. Sinbad shook his head and told her it was death to try to cross the river in flood. But as he took in her young body under her wet clothes an offer appeared in his eyes. Jessamyn was horrified. But her anxiety over Mandango’s displeasure began to rise again. He was a really good catch for her—the richest man in the valley. Sinbad was lower class of course, but his strong body was attractive—the thunder clapped—and the lightning snaked across the sky—and the rain poured down torrentially… and she had always been highly sexed… and it was after all for Mandango.
An hour later she was running into Mandango’s arms glowing with the fulfilment of having reached him against all odds. When he finally got her to tell him how she had succeeded, he thrust her away with revulsion. “You slut,” he shouted. “You slept with the boatman? I never want to see you again! I cannot imagine marrying you or that you would be the mother of my children.” Although she wept bitterly and pleaded, he left her.
Poor Jessamyn, her sacrifice for love rejected, lay there till Arunta, her childhood friend, came and lifted her gently. Jessamyn told him of the price she had paid for love. Arunta, who had loved and lost Jessamyn to Mandango, was outraged. He ran down to Mandango’s house and dragged him out and broke his jaw. He ran back to comfort Jessamyn and soon persuaded her to take shelter in his house… out of the rain and cold.

Now, rank the characters, Jessamyn, Mandango, Sinbad and Arunta; ranking the least moral person first, and the most moral person last. You must be able to justify why you have ranked the characters as you have.

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