Monday, December 2, 2019

Essay of the Week

Both classes...

Using the last three chapters of the book

Discuss one of the following three prompts in a three page essay

  • Steinbeck and the Common Man
  • Steinbeck and Empathy for the Weak (pick two characters, one of whom is not George or Lenny)
  • Foreshadowing and its Fulfillment
  • Motifs in the Novel
  • Use of Imagery
be sure to link your paper to elements from the earlier chapters of the novel

  • start by generating 30 (juicy) quotes, minimum

  • then outline your essay on paper or digitally using your refined and reorganised quotes, grouped into ideas

submit a 3 page (minimum) paper, printed, helvetica or times new roman, with a space between each paragraph.

plus your list of quotes and your outline on accompanying pages

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